Book Review: Forget Me Not by Alexandra Oliva

So different. Soooo good.

Shortest Summary Ever: It’s a few years into the future and Linda is living in busy Seattle, a far cry from where she escaped – where she was raised, isolated and alone in a house in the woods after her mother disappeared. More mysteries haunt her – what happened to her sister? Her mother? What role did her father play? Can she ever find a new normal with so many people knowing her as “The Clone Girl”? How can she live when she doesn’t quite know who she is?

Thoughts: Oliva dazzles me again with the unexpected, like The Last One (no that’s actually the name of her previous novel). There’s a science edge to the book which is NOT my jam but has made me question “Is this my jam?” and I agree this MIGHT be my jam and now I AM eating jam because that made me hungry.

I digress… I didn’t fall for this book until about 30%. The beginning is purposely scattered and I felt lost but then came the “ooooooooooh” and then, like links in a chain, it all synced up. I’m a teacher and often start lessons this way – the kids start by doing something and they have no idea why or what and after they start I connect a few dots and watch the light bulbs appear. Inductive… so hang in there! That moment was worth it.

This book to me was very psychologically fascinating because I recall learning about “feral kids” and how they developed (or didn’t develop). This is Linda. How difficult some every day actions would be when you grow up so isolated… it added a human edge , ok I’ll say it – emotion and I truly felt for her. The last 1/2 of the book is where is twists and yep… turns (like a mystery should) and I applaud Oliva for creating a novel that tickles my cerebral side while still offering the exciting escape of an intense mystery.

All my reviews available at around time of publication.

Genre: Mystery/Science-edge

Recommend to: You don’t have to be “sciencey “ to like this but if you’re a natural learner or curious you’ll love it.

Not recommended to: If you’re not in the mood to think your way into the book

Thank you to the author, NetGalley and Random House Ballantyne for my advanced copy in exchange for my always-honest review and for asking Apple when the sheath will be available (admit it you know something!)

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